Editing Services


"I ask Amanda to edit several pieces of content for me throughout the year. She always does an impeccable job and her attention to detail is excellent. Thanks, Amanda!"

Mark Williams - Educational Training Services

" Amanda is highly professional and has a wealth of experience. For this reason, I trusted her ideas and solutions. She listens to your needs and tailors work that meets your needs and is specific to you as an individual. The quality of her work is exceptional.  I would highly recommend her!"

Art Teacher - London

"Thank you so much for writing such a wonderful review for my book. I am so grateful that you took the time to read it and go into such detail."

CJ Richardson - Author


For most projects:

Format: Microsoft Word doc

Price: Subject to review of a sample - a 500-word sample is free of charge

Have a query? Fill in the form at the bottom of the page. I'll be in touch within 48 hours.



Developmental Editing

Here's what you get:

 I will read the text thoroughly - more than once if required. I will include inline comments and craft a thorough editorial report reviewing the strengths and concerns, giving specific examples and offering suggestions for improvements. The sections of the report depend on whether the manuscript is fiction or non-fiction, as detailed below.

As an alternative to a full developmental edit, you may prefer a manuscript critique. This offers a full evaluation and recommendations, minus the inline comments.


  • Setting and Worldbuilding
  • Characterisation
  • Plot
  • Structure
  • Dialogue
  • Context


  • Organisation
  • Navigation
  • Chapters
  • Sections and Paragraphs
  • Flow
  • Style

Line Editing and Copy Editing

Here's what you get:

Service Benefit
Cut extraneous words, sentences, paragraphs Maximising impact by reducing distractions and repetitions
Restructure sentences and paragraphs Improved flow and readability
Eliminate cliches Increased originality and freshness
Eliminate filler words Tighter exposition
Reduce passive voice Improved clarity and more dynamic style
Swap out adverbs In most cases, replacing an adverb with a strong verb or an adjective is more impactful - for example, 'deafening' as opposed to 'really loud'
Ensure that prose 'shows' rather than 'tells' Greater connection with readers, enabling them to fill in detail - as Stephen King says, 'If I describe [my detail] it freezes yours'
Investigate sentence starters It is unusual for a successful, published manuscript to contain more than 50% of sentences beginning with a name or a pronoun - examples are The Martian (42.85%) and Misery (45.85%)
Ensure tense consistency Greater clarity and coherence; improvement of readers' enjoyment
Ensure POV consistency Greater clarity, eliminating any ambiguity for the reader
Suggest changes to vocabulary Promotes connection with reader
Check formatting and eliminate issues such as widows, orphans, runts, and rivers Maximised professional impact
Ensure accuracy of spelling, punctuation, grammar, and syntax Ensures clear and accurate communication
Check against specified style guide Maximised professional impact
Check facts and copyright status Promotion of credibility - and avoidance of legal challenges!

You will receive a comprehensive style sheet detailing edits made and/or suggested.

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