
Welcome to Ellison Editorial - providing proofreading, editing and writing services to suit your needs. When you choose Ellison Editorial you work with me: Amanda Ellison. Whether you're an independent author preparing your work for publication or competition entry, or a student seeking to submit polished prose, my mission is the same: to make your words work harder for you. This is where our journey begins. 


About Ellison Editorial

It all began with a simple idea: a love of the English language. From devouring the whole set of Famous Five books across a childhood summer to my lengthy tenure as Head of English, I can't recall a time when I wasn't obsessed with words and the power they can wield. 

Now a certified proofreader  and editor - with some freelance journalism thrown in -  I draw upon my enduring relationship with words in every project.

My approach is rooted in quality and integrity, ensuring that everything I do reflects my commitment to excellence and value.

How can I help?

500-word sample is free of charge



A final polish that ensures your copy is error-free and showcases your work at its best.


Perhaps you want a line edit (stylistic) or a copy edit (technical) - or both!



Reviews, blogs, articles, fiction ...  something else?


How much will it cost?

Every project is different. Some manuscripts require minimal intervention; some require heavy editing. This is why I offer a free-sample service - it helps me to accurately gauge your requirements and quote fairly.

My rates are competitive and based on the premise of value. For suggested minimum rates, see the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading. However, I do provide indicative pricing (based on fiction editing):

Levels Of Editing Pricing PDF Pdf

The editorial process

Stage 1: Developmental/Structural Editing - Ensuring Coherence

This first step focuses on the 'big picture' and reviews the organisation of the whole text. The goal is to refine the structure, tone and content so that it matches its purpose. 

Stage 2: Line Editing - Making Text Compelling 

Line editing is a stylistic stage and involves a line-by-line examination of the copy. It looks for inconsistencies in style and language. A line edit will evaluate word choice, eliminate repetitions, correct syntax, and ensure that tone and voice are consistent. 

Stage 3: Copy Editing - Ensuring Consistency and Accuracy

Not to be confused with proofreading, a thorough copy edit ensures consistency and accuracy in the mechanics - capitalisation, spelling, phrasing, and so on. 

This edit will also ensure that the specified style guide has been adhered to and formatting specifications have been followed.

Any fact-checking will take place at this stage and key words/phrases will be optimised.

Stage 4: Proofreading - Perfecting and Polishing

This is a final check. A proofreader will identify errors (spelling, punctuation, sentence construction, formatting, etc) and inconsistencies (capitalisation, etc). This is a crucial stage: the proofreader may also flag issues such as confusing acronyms or over-use of jargon.


  • BA (Hons) English with History
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education (English)
  • Diploma in Proofreading and Editing (Level 4, Distinction)
  • Diploma in Freelance Journalism
  • Member of Chartered Institute of Proofreading and Editing (CIEP)


  • Independent authors
  • Independent publishers
  • Students (up to PhD level)
  • Charities
  • Businesses


Literary fiction


Crime fiction

Historical Fiction


Contemporary fiction



Educational nonfiction

"Amanda has an attention to detail that assured me that her professionalism is authentic. I'm lucky to have worked with her."

Jim Sheehan - Author